如何利用精油及純露平衡情緒與唤醒內在的光 名額: 1/60
課程編號: 08042017 時間: 16 hours
開課日期: 8 April 2017 - 9 April 2017 9:00-5:00
Emotional balance and Awakening the Inner Light with Essential Oils and Hydrosols

“The gold of awakening is based in our spirit, however if we don’t seek for it, it will remain hidden” Kalou Rinpoche
“我們精神最珍貴在於覺醒,但如果我們不尋求它,它將保持隱藏” 卡勞仁波切

If we are passionate about plants, aromatherapy, health, spiritual growth we have to seek for it. Behind every new essential oil and hydrosol which appears on the world market, there is a deep message from Mother Nature for our healing and the healing of the whole planet.

People rarely talk about emotional well-being for beauty and health.

Our emotional state directly determines the exact way in which the hormones will react within our body.

A happy person will release different hormones than a depressed, angry or sad person. That means that any emotion will have a direct impact on our physical body and, of course, on our beauty.

The health of our inner organs, of our chakras, our endocrine, immune and nervous systems depends directly of our emotional well-being.

The question is: how to remain emotionally balanced in our turbulent lifestyle?

It is no coincidence that during the last half century the aromatherapy and hydrosol-therapy has become as popular. It is like a sign of the Universe that sends us wonderful messengers through the essential oils and hydrosols.

Essential oils and hydrosols help to change our vision, to look at things differently and have a direct effect on hormones therefore on beauty.

For example Scots pine stimulates dopamine production, balances the emotional state and activates the thyroid. Frankincense and Sandalwood are clarifying the pineal gland, are increasing the inner light, peace and calm and reduce physical and mental suffering. Artemisia ludoviciana has an amazing purifying effect as well on the physical body as on the spiritual and psychological level. Damask rose harmonizes the emotions, opens the heart, creates an emotional balance during menopause and before menstruation and also promotes the growth of a new tissue, relieves inflammations and irritations of the skin and also balances the hormone system.

Every essential oil and hydrosol is a jewel of Mother Nature that contributes to physical, spiritual and psychological beauty

This new two-day seminar by Lydia Bosson is an invitation to discover how to use even more essential oils in everyday practice. These are two days of joy, intense experience and spiritual evolution.
這兩天將會是喜悅,深刻的經驗和精神的演變。為期兩天由Lydia Bosson主講的工作坊誠意邀請您探索如何在日常實踐中使用更多的精油與純露。

導師 : Lydia Bosson and Philippe Bosson
講授語言 : English/國語即時傳譯
費用 : 2月28日前完成報名及繳費HK$6500(包括証書、午餐及茶點招待)
上課地點 : 尖沙咀皇家太平洋酒店
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